Privacy of our customers and visitors is extremely important to us. Your safety online is paramount to us. Please review our privacy policy below.

The data we collect

It\’s important that you know the different types of data we collect on our website. The information includes your Email Name, Business Name, Name, Street Address Post Code City, Country Phone Number, Password and many more. We collect this information in a variety of ways. First Cookies are used to collect and collect non-personally identifiable information about our visitors. Information that is uniquely yours like your bank or credit card account number, constitutes personally identifiable information. The information is unique to you.

Use of Information

Help us make this website more user-friendly by not having to input information multiple times.

Find services, products and details quickly.

Help us develop content for this site that is most pertinent to you.

We will notify you of new services and products, as well as details.

Registration and ordering:

You will be asked for your name and address (shipping the address, billing it, and email), credit card number as well as your phone number during registration. Additionally, we might request your country so that we can be in compliance with the applicable laws and regulations. We might also request your gender. These details are used for billing, order fulfillment, communication with you and internal marketing. We will contact you in the event that we encounter a problem with making your purchase.

Email Addresses

You sign up to receive our newsletter for free and will receive offers for promotional purposes. Joining our email newsletter is the most effective way to get great offers.

3. Privacy Protection

We do not trade, rent or sell any information that could identify you to a different business as part of the regular course of our business. We employ the latest encryption technology, and our employees must agree to confidentiality agreements that prohibit them from disclosing to anyone or any entity the information they have access.

What kind of email should I send to my customer?

We email content to our clients that could include some of the following:

Weekly deal, transaction mail, Promotion Activity.

Newsletters as well as Email Promotions:

It is through email that we communicate news, announcements, as well as other information to our members. If you don\’t want to receive these emails You can click the unsubscribe link on the email, and you\’ll be removed from our mail list instantly and at no cost.

How can you unsubscribe?

You can unsubscribe by using the link on any email newsletter or from your personal subscribe setting after login.